Quantum algorithms are a (random) walk in the park

Quantum computers are fast, and in the future they will solve certain problems much faster than regular (classical) computers. That creates opportunities, states prof. dr. Stacey Jeffery in her inaugural lecture. Before these quantum computers become a reality, a lot of research into quantum algorithms is necessary. These algorithms will be the key for lightning […]

Gravity Grant for challenges in Cyber Security to Christian Schaffner and others

Cyber security is often portrayed as an educational problem or a resource problem, shifting blame on users, system administrators, or the budget holders limiting the system administrators’ abilities. However, there are many hard problems that remain unsolved and that require a coordinated scientific investigation. The “Challenges in Cyber Security” project brings together top researchers from […]

The end of 2023 marks the end of Harry Buhrman’s leadership at QuSoft

As of 15 December 2023, director of QuSoft and famous quantum researcher Harry Buhrman will start a new position. After leaving his position at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) he will begin as Chief Scientist Quantum Algorithms & Innovation at the world’s largest integrated quantum computing company Quantinuum, based in their London research centre. “I […]

Congratulation to Pietro Richelli for his QuSoft Master Certificate

Since 2021, QuSoft offers a certificate for MSc students at the University of Amsterdam that have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to quantum information science and have carried out their MSc thesis research project at QuSoft. Requirments for obtaining the certificate are: – Successful completion of three courses coming from at least two categories (see below). – […]

Large grant awarded to Quantum Application Lab

Quantum Application Lab has received the generous support of Quantum Delta NL to develop several projects within the next few years. QAL has been granted 600k euros to co-finance five new projects in the next years.

PhD defences in October

QuSoft is proud to announce that two junior members will defend their PhD theses this month: On October 12thMatteo MazzantiAgnietenkapel, 10:00Trapped Ions in Optical Tweezers. And Their Applications to Quantum ComputingPromotor: Rene Gerritsma. Copromotor: Arghavan Safavi Naini.       On October 20th Ward VleeshouwersAula, 11:00Unitary Matrix Integrals, Long-Range Random Walks, and Spectral StatisticsPromotores: Cristiane de Morais Smith and Vladimir […]

QuSoft has a new director

We would like to congratulate Christian Schaffner for being appointed co-director of QuSoft, next to Harry Buhrman, and to thank wholeheartedly our former co-director Kareljan Schoutens for the many years of work

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