MSc program in Quantum Computer Science
Are you a motivated MSc student with a strong background in mathematics?
Starting in the academic year 2024/25, the University of Amsterdam is offering an entire MSc program in Quantum Computer Science. Sign-up for the academic year 2025/26 opens in October 2024!
A member of QuSoft will make the final determination about whether the certificate will be issued. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
If you want to learn about quantum information science, we recommend you to follow one of the following MSc programs at the University of Amsterdam:
Select a coherent choice of electives in order to fulfill the requirements for the QuSoft Master certificate as described above. Of course, you can apply for the QuSoft Master certificate also when following other master programs or tracks, as long as you fulfill the described requirements.
After successful completion of your MSc project, you can request the certificate by sending an email to
Please attach sufficient documentation that attests that you meet all requirements (typically a transcript, copy of thesis, and titles of QuSoft seminars attended).
We will maintain a public list of all students that have been awarded the certificate. By applying for the certificate, you agree that your name can be included in this list.
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
BSc program: Quantum
Through the University of Amsterdam a variety of courses in the general area of Quantum Information are available. They range from introductory to advanced. By including some of these courses in your BSc study program, students can get ready for research projects (BSc or MSc theses) or for their future PhD studies in the field.
A BSc Quantum Information module can be followed as part of a BSc program in Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics or Computer Science. The details depend on the embedding BSc program.
A BSc Quantum Information module can be followed as part of a BSc program in Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics, Computer Science or Chemistry. The details depend on the embedding BSc program.
For all Bachelor programs following the course Introduction to Quantum Computation is essential.
For students in the BSc Mathematics we additionally recommend Quantumfysica 2 (which builds on Quantumfysica 1) – it presents the structure theory of Quantum Mechanics that is essential for understanding Quantum Information.
If you are a student in the BSc program Physics and Astronomy, the courses Quantumconcepten and Quantumfysica 2 give a first introduction to Quantum Computation. A natural follow-up to this are the essential courses Introduction to Quantum Computing and Advanced Quantum Physics, with recommended courses Moderne Cryptografie and Linear Algebra.
Students following the BSc Computer Science may wish to do a Linear Algebra course as well, to prepare for courses dedicated to Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information.
If you are in the track BSc Chemistry, we additionally recommend to follow Lineair Algebra, Quantum concepten and Quantum fysica 2.
To follow courses from the Quantum Information module within your current BSc program, you have to apply for the essential and recommended courses (als mentioned in the table below).
These courses can also be found in the UvA Study Guide, where you can register yourself for a course.
BSc Program 1
Essential courses
Recommended courses
BSc Program 2
Physics and Astronomy
Essential courses
Recommended courses
BSc Program 3
Computer Science
Essential courses
Recommended courses
BSc Program 4
Essential courses
Recommended courses
The Quantum Quest is a web class for high school students from 16-18 years, organised by QuSoft, UvA and the Quantum Software Consortium. This course takes high-school students on a four-week adventure to learn the basics of quantum computing.
The aim of the course is not primarily to introduce students to programming for the next generation of computers, but to discover the kind of mathematics taught at the university. At the end, you will understand what quantum bits and quantum algorithms are and what they are good for.
The students are supervised by a team of teaching assistants from the UvA. And the idea of the curriculum comes from QuSoft researchers Maris Ozols and Michael Walter. They are assistant professors at the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics and conduct research on quantum algorithms and quantum information theory at the QuSoft research center in Amsterdam.
If you are interested please check out the Quantum Quest website for the first upcoming starting date.
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QuSoft is the Dutch research center for quantum software & technology. Launched by CWI and UvA in December 2015, QuSoft builds on the institutions’ excellent track record in quantum computing and quantum information.
Science Park 123
1098 XG Amsterdam
the Netherlands
T: +31 (0)20 592 9333