Large grant awarded to Quantum Application Lab

Quantum Application Lab has received the generous support of Quantum Delta NL to develop several projects within the next few years. QAL has been granted 600k euros to co-finance five new projects in the next years.

QAL is an organization that helps develop applications of quantum computing by connecting academia with industry, and providing expertise and support, including foundational knowledge on algorithm design, software engineering and high performance computing. It is a collaboration between UvA, TNO, CWI, SURF, eScience Center, and Quantum Inspire.

Within the projects, QAL will be collaborating with Toyota Motor Europe and Wageningen University & Research, while University of Twente (and their spin off QuiX Quantum) and IBM will be amongst the technology providers (making their hardware available for development, testing, and benchmarking).

Four outstanding projects will be performed in collaboration with Toyota Motor Europe:

  • A quantum chemistry project which sees the involvement of, between others, VU – Vrije Universiteit and CWI – Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, and which focuses on water splitting simulations.
  • A quantum machine learning project for problems optimizations.
  • A supply chain problem optimization project to improve logistics.
  • A personalized marketing research project.

The fifth project, together with Wageningen University & Research, will focus on quantitative genetics.

The total project budget, of approximately 2.2 M euros, will be used for hiring additional expertise, development of and access to novel quantum computing equipment and to support the projects and QAL-organization in a broader sense. QAL has the objective to advance quantum computing by making it practical via use cases and applications (both concerning hardware and software), and having as a main objective to bring value to end users. At QAL people believe in collaboration and knowledge sharing: the knowledge gained from the projects will be made available, “the algorithms developed will be shared on Github”, says business developer Richard Harderwijk. QuSoft will be involved in the projects through the direct involvement of UvA and CWI.




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