Quantum algorithms are a (random) walk in the park

Quantum computers are fast, and in the future they will solve certain problems much faster than regular (classical) computers. That creates opportunities, states prof. dr. Stacey Jeffery in her inaugural lecture. Before these quantum computers become a reality, a lot of research into quantum algorithms is necessary. These algorithms will be the key for lightning […]
Stacey Jeffery appointed professor by special appointment of Quantum Information at UvA

QuSoft researcher Stacey Jeffery has been appointed professor by special appointment of Quantum Information at the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). She also stays affiliated with CWI as a senior researcher.
The end of 2023 marks the end of Harry Buhrman’s leadership at QuSoft

As of 15 December 2023, director of QuSoft and famous quantum researcher Harry Buhrman will start a new position. After leaving his position at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) he will begin as Chief Scientist Quantum Algorithms & Innovation at the world’s largest integrated quantum computing company Quantinuum, based in their London research centre. “I […]
Will quantum computing help AI?

QuSoft is excited to welcome a new member on board, Amira Abbas, a young talented researcher who did her PhD in South Africa at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and collaborated with IBM Research and Google Quantum AI.
First Quantum Delta NL Award for Stacey Jeffery and Julia Cramer

The first ever Quantum Delta NL Award was won by Stacey Jeffery (CWI and QuSoft) and Julia Cramer (Leiden University) for founding and developing WIQD – Women In Quantum Development.
PhD defense of Subhasree Patro on 16th February 2023. How useful are Quantum Computers?

In the quest for obtaining a working quantum computer, it is interesting and important to find out how classical and quantum computer perform similar tasks and if quantum computers are better.
Stacey Jeffery wins ERC starting grant for quantum algorithms on quantum computers with limited memories

Stacey Jeffery, senior researcher at QuSoft and part of CWI’s Algorithms and Complexity Group in Amsterdam, is awarded an ERC Starting Grant of 1.5 million euro for research on Algorithms, Security and Complexity for Quantum Computers (ASC-Q). The grant helps ambitious younger researchers launch their own projects, form their teams and pursue their best ideas. […]
Harry Buhrman installed as a new member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

Today, together with seventeen other researchers, Harry Burhman was installed as a new member of the The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Academy members, leading researchers from across all disciplines, are selected for their scientific and scholarly achievements and are appointed for life. Buhrman is a pioneer in the promising field of […]