Welcome to Ehsan Ebrahimi for a short visit at QuSoft

Ehsan Ebrahimi, a Research Scientist at the University of Luxembourg is currently visiting QuSoft from Thursday, September 19, to Friday, September 27, 2024, hosted by Dr. Léo Colisson.

“Ehsan Ebrahimi is currently a Research Scientist in the Computer Science Department at the University of Luxembourg. Before joining the University of Luxembourg in February 2020, he was a post-doctoral researcher at École Normale Supérieure, Paris. He obtained his PhD degree in January 2019 under supervision of Prof. Dominique Unruh at the University of Tartu, Estonia.

“His main research interest lies in the intersection of cryptography discipline with the quantum computation and information. His past research projects include security of symmetric encryptions in the superposition access model, security proofs in the quantum random oracle model, indifferentiability notion in the quantum setting, the (post-) quantum security of proof systems and the adaptation of classical security notions to the quantum setting, such as CPA and CCA notions, plaintext-awareness notions, and more. Finally, his recent research endeavors include threshold cryptography in the presence of a quantum polynomial-time adversary.”

As part of the visit, Ehsan will give a talk at the Crypto Seminar on “Security Strengthening of Threshold Symmetric Schemes” on Wednesday, September 25th.

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