Navy Blue Modern Business Conference Flyer (2)

Big Meetup: How will Quantum impact Business and Society?

Coming November 3rd, Quantum.Amsterdam and the Centre for Quantum & Society have jointly organized the next Big Meetup. The invited speakers will answer the question: “How will Quantum impact Business and Society?”, giving special attention to the Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects (ELSA) of Quantum.

This big meetup event will be on location (Startup Village, Amsterdam Science Park) and remotely with a lot of interaction and a chance for the audience to ask questions about the topic. Afterwards, there is the opportunity to stay for drinks and network with all participants. Please, make sure to register for the event.


Location: Start Up Village, Amsterdam Science Park
Time: 15:00 – 17:00 – Networking & free drinks afterwards!
Costs: free

Over time more information about the speakers and the program will be shared here.

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