Nederland, Amsterdam, 2014
prof. dr. Harry Buhrman, CWI
Foto Bob Bronshoff

Harry Buhrman in podcast episode of BNR Eye Openers

The quantum computer is coming! A computer that is many times faster and smarter than the best supercomputers we know today. The applications for the quantum computer are often still unclear, but one thing is certain: as a company it is best to prepare yourself now.

You can listen to our director Harry Buhrman in the new podcast episode of BNR Eyeopeners below. In this episode you will hear about the experiments that are being done in search for the best quantum applications. What are the possibilities of this new technology and how can you as a company prepare for the possible security risks? As an example, the financial sector is already preparing itself, because this new technology entails a lot of uncertainty.

Listen here to the eleventh episode of BNR Eyeopeners (in Dutch).



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