Harry Buhrman installed as a new member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

Today, together with seventeen other researchers, Harry Burhman was installed as a new member of the The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Academy members, leading researchers from across all disciplines, are selected for their scientific and scholarly achievements and are appointed for life. 

Buhrman is a pioneer in the promising field of quantum computing. Buhrman founded the quantum computing group at CWI (the national research institute for mathematics and computer science in the Netherlands) back in the nineties, making it one of the first groups worldwide and the first in the Netherlands working on quantum information processing. In 2015 Buhrman founded research institute QuSoft, which focuses on the development of quantum software and applications of quantum computers and quantum networks. 

Buhrman operates at the interface of information science, mathematics and physics. A common theme in his work is the analysis of computing power and computer and communication network potential. He does this by designing new algorithms and communication protocols and by developing techniques demonstrating their efficiency. His work on quantum communication and quantum limitations is particularly renowned. Buhrman put the Netherlands on the map with respect to the development of quantum software. 

This years ceremony took place online. All members were present in the Tinbergenroom of the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam and formally installed by KNAW president Ineke Sluiter. Each member made a video to introduce themselves. For Buhrman’s introduction see video below and for the complete ceremony click here

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