Details over het programma worden later bekend gemaakt.
Two upcoming PhD defences at QuSoft
We cordially invite you to attend the PhD thesis defences of René Allerstorfer on October 28th and Chen
Details over het programma worden later bekend gemaakt.
We cordially invite you to attend the PhD thesis defences of René Allerstorfer on October 28th and Chen
Ehsan Ebrahimi, a Research Scientist at the University of Luxembourg is currently visiting QuSoft from Thursday, September 19,
The Dutch Science Council (NWO) has awarded Veni grants of up to 320,000 euro per project to 20
QuSoft is the Dutch research center for quantum software & technology. Launched by CWI and UvA in December 2015, QuSoft builds on the institutions’ excellent track record in quantum computing and quantum information.
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the Netherlands
T: +31 (0)20 592 9333