Gravity Grant for challenges in Cyber Security to Christian Schaffner and others

Cyber security is often portrayed as an educational problem or a resource problem, shifting blame on users, system administrators, or the budget holders limiting the system administrators’ abilities. However, there are many hard problems that remain unsolved and that require a coordinated scientific investigation. The “Challenges in Cyber Security” project brings together top researchers from […]
Large NWA grant for research into the social impact of quantum secure cryptography

16 May 2022, source UvA The arrival of quantum computers will have major societal consequences, especially in the field of cybersecurity. A new consortium led by Sebastian De Haro of the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, the Institute of Physics of the University of Amsterdam and QuSoft has received a grant of over 900,000 […]
Jana Sotáková wins best paper award at CRYPTO 2020

Jana Sotáková, PhD student at QuSoft and UvA, won the best-paper award at the IACR flagship conference CRYPTO 2020 for her article “Breaking the Decisional Diffie-Hellman Problem for Class Group Actions Using Genus Theory”. Jana works on post-quantum cryptography, which is the field designing and evaluating protocols that would replace the encryption that we use nowadays with ones that are […]
Yfke Dulek wins Information Thesis Prize

Yfke Dulek has won the Ngi-NGN Information Thesis Prize for Informatics and Information Science. The first prize consists of €5000 and is awarded by the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (De Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen). PhD candidate at QuSoft Yfke Dulek wrote her Master’s thesis titled ‘Quantum Homomorphic Encryption for Polynomial-Sized Circuits’ […]