Delegation of European Conference Industrial Technologies visits QuSoft

On Friday 24 June 2016 QuSoft received a delegation of the European Conference Industrial Technologies 2016 . This biannual gathering was held in Amsterdam and is the largest networking conference in the field of new production technologies, materials, nanotechnology, biotechnology and digitalization in Europe.

Part of the program were site visits to Dutch companies and universities that are leaders in the field of Smart Industry. QuSoft was part of the site visit to Amsterdam Science Park.

The participants were welcomed by Kareljan Schoutens and received an introduction to quantum computation and the need for quantum software. During lunch, a team of QuSoft researchers gave four demonstrations of quantum phenomena, their relation to quantum computing and possible applications of quantum software. The visit was concluded by Kareljan Schoutens who gave an overview of the research lines of QuSoft, followed by an interesting Q&A.

QuSoft was happy to receive this delegation and is looking forward to hosting more site visits in the future.


Site visit

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